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Gear Maintenance

Survive the Dive

Gear Maintenance

Routine maintenance is an imperative component of the diver's schedule. Failure can have severe consequences


  • test and inspect even item to ensure it is functioning correct
  • check for any relevant inspection dates on equipment such as dive tanks (annually) and regulator stages
  • ensure tanks are full and that air clean - never dive on old or stale air
  • inspect BCDs and dive suits for rot
  • test for perished silicone or rubber on masks, fins etc


  • Thoroughly wash all gear in fresh water - prolonged immersion is preferred over hosing
  • Thoroughly dry all equipment - consider a hot water cupboard for electronics and items with moving parts
  • Store in a clean dry environment - consider air tight packaging with moisture absorbing pads for some equipment
  • Avoid storing sensitive equipment with wet-suits or dive bags for prolonged periods
  • Keep dive tanks full when not in use - this helps prevent internal moisture damage (you may need to refill with clean air if storage is for a long duration)

Note: NZ Underwater's commercial partner Air Purity provides testing and advice for all SCUBA-related clean air and gear maintenance services.

See Also

Weather & Tides
Survive the Dive

Weather & Tides

Always check the weather and tide conditions in advance of departing the dock.
Surface Safely
Survive the Dive

Surface Safely

Safe surfacing procedures, including safety stops, are an essential component in scuba diver's skill set.
Medical checks & Refresher courses
Survive the Dive

Medical checks & Refresher courses

Are you fit to dive? New Zealand Underwater offers consistent advice to divers returning from a hiatus.
The Buddy System
Survive the Dive

The Buddy System

Always dive with a buddy. The Buddy system is developed to improve diver survival across a range of situations.
Diver Down Awareness
Survive the Dive

Diver Down Awareness

With divers, spearfishermen, snorkelers or swimmers in the water it is a legal requirement to display a dive flag.
Survive the Dive - Fit, Check & Signal
Survive the Dive

Survive the Dive - Fit, Check & Signal

The NZ Underwater Association’s signature safety message to all divers,even the best of the best, is to ask themselves a few simple but essential questions…


Survive the Dive
Weather & Tides
Survive the Dive
Surface Safely
Survive the Dive
Medical checks & Refresher courses