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Survive the Dive certification launched

Dec 23, 2020
Survive the Dive
Survive the Dive certification launched

Survive the Dive online training and certificate platform launched for all New Zealand divers.

The NZUA is delighted to announce the launch of its Survive the Dive online training and certificate platform.

Sponsored by Water Safety NZ and Maritime NZ, the ground-breaking web application allows divers to refresh and test their diving and boating safety knowledge with a gamified quiz and apply for an NZUA-endorsed certificate.

Created by Fathom, an Auckland-based web marketing and digital development agency, the Survive the Dive application is an exciting opportunity to offer the NZUA's extensive diving and boating knowledge base to every NZ diver in a fun, engaging and meaningful manner.

Ben Christie of Water Safety NZ, sums up the Survive the Dive application well:

"Water Safety New Zealand is thrilled to fund this new initiative and continue its strong partnership with NZUA. We are blessed with places to dive in this country. Diving in all its forms continues to grow in popularity across all demographics. It's so important that every diver makes safety a priority and gets the knowledge they need to stay safe in the water. This free interactive learning platform will make access to that critical knowledge so much easier."

Additional languages

Work is underway to offer the Survive the Dive web application in six languages - English, Te Reo, Samoan, Tongan, Hindi and Simplified Chinese. The English version is available today. The additional languages are scheduled for launch early January, if not sooner.

Cost - it's free!

Thanks to sponsors, Water Safety NZ, Maritime NZ and Air Purity Limited, Survive the Dive certification is available free!

The low-down 
  • The Survive the Dive platform is an engaging way to refresh diving and boating safety knowledge. It's suitable for divers of all levels, as well as dive boat operators.
  • It's gamified, allowing participants to save high-scores and track their learning process.
  • It doesn't replace commercial dive qualifications, so if you're unqualified and planning on diving, please take a formal, professional dive training course.
  • It's free! Thanks to our sponsors, Water Safety NZ, Maritime NZ and Air Purity Limited, all aspects of the Survive the Dive platform are available at no cost.
  • Everyone who passes the final exam with 80% correct answers receives an NZUA-endorsed Survive the Dive certificate, valid for two years.
  • The Survive the Dive application is to be released five additional languages in the early New Year: English plus Te Reo, Samoan, Tongan, Hindi and Simplified Chinese.

Ready to play Survive the Dive?

There are two stages:

  1. A gamified quiz with ten randomly generated questions. Take the quiz multiple times to cover all the material. Save your high-scores to track your progress.
  2. An online exam with 20 comprehensive questions. If you pass the exam (scoring 80% or more), you'll receive an NZUA-endorsed Survive the Dive certificate, valid for two years.

Start Survive the Dive here.

"It’s so important that every diver makes safety a priority and gets the knowledge they need to stay safe in the water. This free interactive learning platform will make access to that critical knowledge so much easier." Water Safety NZ

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